Reading Material
What should you expect on your first consultation?
The first meeting allows you the opportunity to outline what you feel you need help with, the therapist will then give you a sense of how best to collaboratively address your presenting concern.
In initial consultations relating to the disruptive behavior of children/adolescents, it is best that where possible that all the family members who live with the child/adolescent be present.
How much will it cost?
The costs will be discussed with you on your first consultation and this will differ given the mode of payment.
Some noteworthy multi-media resources:
Brene Brown on the power of vulnerability
Matrix Men SA on support for male survivors of sexual abuse
Understanding depression:
Don Miguel Ruiz on the Four Agreements
On the treatment of mental health disorders
Understanding bipolar disorder
How to make stress your friend
Brene Brown's Advice On Vulnerability: 6 Types Of People To Never Confide In
Shame is Lethal
Teen Shrink Talks Teens
HPCSA No. 0119849 | Practice No. 0860010525952